1. No climbing on the rock walls. Gravity is a law. the ground is hard and we don't want a preventable injury to ruin your stay.
2.Do not walk on the tile roof of the house. We realize this is a unique home and we invite you to explore the property, but the tiles of the roof will crack under your body weight and are very expensive to replace. We have cameras watching the roof because we expect you to replace any tiles you or members of your party cause to crack. There is also a risk of falling, and as we pointed out in rule number one, gravity is a law and the ground is hard.
3. Please put everything back where you found it. There is nothing more frustrating than a missing kitchen item when trying to make your planned meal!
4. Do not try to catch or pet the wildlife. There is wildlife in abundance at Four Silos and we hope you get to see some during your visit. Please let the wildlife stay wild and do not attempt to catch, feed, or pet any wild animals you come in contact with. Not only do we not want you to disrupt the wildlife but this is for your own safety.
5. DO NOT try to touch or bother the cows and calves. Four Silos is part of a working cattle ranch and our cows wander the property at their leisure, turning grass into tasty Oklahoma beef. If during a hike around the property you encounter any of our cattle, please feel free to observe but do not try to chase or pet them. Our cows are naturally shy and will try their best to avoid c0ntact with you unless you get close to them or their calves. While the calves can be irresistibly cute, please resist the urge to pet them. MAMA COW will hit you like a freight train in an effort to protect her baby if she feels threatened.
6. Leave gates the way you found them. If you go through a closed gate, please shut it behind you. We don't want the cows getting out.
7. Do not wander from marked trails. The peacefulness of Four Silos Retreat is due to its seclusion. It's a large property surrounded by other large, uninhabited properties where someone can easily get lost. Search and
rescue can be expensive and national media coverage can be embarrassing, so please stick to our marked trails.
8. Please do not litter. We have done our best to make this a beautiful property but we need your help to keep it that way. While outside, dispose of all trash in designated bins.
9. No smoking on the premises. Please help keep our property free from odor and litter both indoors and
outdoors by not smoking at Four Silos Retreat.
10. Please abide by all state fishing guidelines. If you are fishing on the property you are required to
follow all Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Fishing Guidelines. An Oklahoma fishing license can be
purchased online with your smartphone or computer. Download the Go Outdoors Oklhaoma App to
purchase your license and to check all relevant regulations.
11. Please abstain from excessive partying at Four Silos Retreat. We are so happy to have you stay with us and want you to have the most relaxing time while enjoying Four Silos in whatever way you prefer. This property however, is not a place to have a wild time. Please act responsibly while staying here to keep yourself and the property from harm. We will not be liable for any accidents that may happen while you are under the influence.